

(it all felt so forced)

you never felt close to a god. you always felt scared of punishment. you were encouraged through fear to serve god. you felt forced to pray due to judgement. you look back now and read what you wrote and think, "wow, what i wish i could change. i felt so forced to involve god in every aspect of my life." how much can i cringe at my teenage self?

it's hard to come back from brainwashing. you revaluate everything that you thought you knew. how do you get to heaven? how do you make god happy with you? how do you want to keep going through this life if this is really all there is? am i living to practice religion, is that the point of life? when do i get to live for me? and why is that so bad to say? why can't live a life that gives me joy, as long as it is not to the expense of others?

a few thoughts:
  1. god doesn't exist in the ways that we they she does
  2. your body is sacred in that it hold your soul. it is not sacred because god "owns" it. 
  3. god craves justice, mercy, and empathy. you cannot truly follow these morals without deconstructing the systems that make these things impossible.
  4. the human body is beautiful. you should have never been ashamed of it
  5. fear is the not root of love. those who tell you otherwise are dangerous to the community's health

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